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The Power of Community

Community is as community does. With food insecurity on the rise in our area, local organizations like the West Chester Food Cupboard serve as a beacon of hope to the more than 6,000 individuals they assist each year, including 2,000 children. This vital support is made possible through the collective efforts of community members like you who come together to uplift one another, creating the unique sense of place that defines Marshallton.  

These small acts of kindness ripple through our community, creating a positive chain reaction. As Rob Necarsulmer, Volunteer and Board President of the West Chester Food Cupboard, explains:


A recent statement from a neighbor who uses our services hit home with us. It reflects how close many people are to the edge and is also a reminder that many/most of those who shop with us are in households with at least one (and often more) person working:


Because of the food I get at the Cupboard, I can afford to keep my car. Because I have my car, I can get to my job. Because I can keep my job, I can pay my rent.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who donated to our 5th Annual Valentine’s Day Food Drive. With your support and the tremendous effort of The Goddard School, we collected 455 pounds of food and staples and raised $1,700 in cash donations. Over the past 5 years, this brings our grand total to 2,792 pounds of food and staples, along with $7,700 in cash and gift cards. That’s the true power of community.  

Save the Date: Marshallton Souper Supper & Spring Meeting

Please mark your calendars for the 2025 Souper Supper and Spring Meeting. Join your friends and neighbors for a bowl of delicious soup and hearty conversation during this informative evening led by a panel of community representatives to discuss important topics of shared interest for the Village of Marshallton. Please visit our website to RSVP and for up-to-date information.

Community Spotlight

In conjunction with the Chester County History Center and the Humphry Marshall Fund, West Bradford Township will host a free tree giveaway for residents this April. More information will be available soon on social media and through West Bradford Township's website.

History of the Marshallton Memorial Day Parade

Bob Portnoy marching in the 2024 Marshallton Memorial Day Parade alongside fellow Marshallton Conservation Trust Board Members Linda Thomas and Yvonne McFadden.
Bob Portnoy marching in the 2024 Marshallton Memorial Day Parade alongside fellow Marshallton Conservation Trust Board Members Linda Thomas and Yvonne McFadden.

 During the 2023 Marshallton Memorial Day Parade, Bob Portnoy, Marshallton Conservation Trust Board Member, asked several "old timers" how long the parade had been taking place. To his surprise, nobody seemed to know the answer. After some initial digging, Bob found that there is no historical archive for the Marshallton Memorial Day Parade. With the support of the Marshallton Conservation Trust, he embarked on a mission to collect information, photos, letters, articles, and anything else he could find to piece together the history of this much-beloved community event. While he has gone through local newspaper articles dating back to about 1870 to help create a general timeline, a good deal of information is still missing. He continues his search for the kind of detail you would find in an old family photo album and stories of days past shared among family members. Bob's goal is to create a "scrapbook" that will help us preserve the history of the Marshallton Memorial Day Parade for future generations.


If you have any Parade stories, memories, or photos you can share with the Marshallton Conservation Trust to assist with this history project, please email Bob Portnoy at <>. Thank you!

Through the Lens

Every month, we will feature an image captured by photographer and Village resident, Jim Lawson, showcasing the natural beauty and festive cheer of Marshallton. Enjoy!


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